about AqvArt

La mostra AqvArt che apre con la sua seconda edizione presso la Scuola Grande San Teodoro di Venezia, nasce dalla volontà di sottolineare l'importanza che ha avuto sempre l'acqua nello sviluppo urbano economico ed artistico della città e in modo particolare nella cultura e storia del artigianato veneto. L'acqua è sempre stata elemento fondamentale per la scelta dei luoghi dove costruire insediamenti umani. Garantiva le condizioni primarie di sopravivenza dei borghi e favorivano il trasporto navale ( considerato piu veloce e potente nei secoli passati). Per questo motivo le città sorgevano lungo i fiumi. Le modifiche ai corsi d'acqua offrivano anche la possibilità di creare lungo le mura e fortificazioni delle città i fossi difensivi.
L'elemento dell'acqua nella storia di Venezia ha giocato il ruolo molto importante.
La laguna non forniva soltanto un'area di fiorita pesca di facile trasporto via mare , ma con la sua distesa di acque ha ingegnato uomo a sviluppare una tecnica costruttiva particolare ed unica che ha permesso di creare una città fondata sul sistema dei pali suddivisa dagli canali che hanno sostituito le strade.
La bellezza di rapporto fra Venezia ed acqua si può leggere nei rispecchiarsi dei suoi palazzi e,nelle loro vetrate merlate che scintillano con riflessi delle onde. L'Acqua a Venezia con le sue luci ed ombre , scintillare e rispecchiare ha influenzato fortemente tutto tipico artigianato locale come produzione dei spechi e dei cristalli , artigianato del vetro sorto su isola di Murano. Tutte le arti di Venezia sono state ispirate dalle bellezze dell'acqua lo possiamo vedere passeggiando per le cale e ponti della città e guardando le vetrine delle piccole botteghe. Il fascino della città costruita sull'acqua e le sue raffinate produzioni hanno sempre attirato i turisti e gli artisti. Qui ha scelto di vivere la collezionista Peggy Guggenheim aprendendo una fondazione dedicata all'arte contemporanea ed aiutando tanti artisti di nuove avanguardie . La pittrice art deco Tamara de Lempicka tornava diverse volte a Venezia per incontrare la sua amica Peggy. Oggi Venezia è un grande salotto di arte contemporanea internazionale – una vetrina al cielo aperto dove le installazioni moderne animano palazzi settecenteschi e invitano il turismo a riscoprire i valori e verità sempre piu sofisticate e nuove. La Venezia è una meta d'arte importantissima una mecca per gli artisti da tutto il mondo i quali qui si recano per trovare la ispirazione interiore che riescono a catturare come per incantesimo .La seconda edizione sarà abinata alle storiche regate di vela che si svogeranno nel periodo della mostra,Nonostante difficile perodo in cui versa il mondo a causa di pericolo di pandemia ,la Venezia attira sempre comunque tanti turisti individuali che rimangono catturati dalla sua bellezza. Per questo motivo si è deciso di continuare con la seconda edizione di AqvArt applicando tutte le precauzioni consigliate dandoo omaggio alla città e alla vita che deve continuare.La scelta della sede dei Musici Veneziani Scuola Grande san Teodoro è stata mirata per poter offrire un connubio fra diverse discipline artistiche come pittura , musica ed scultura visto che accanto al palazzo si trova il Teatro Goldoni con la sua facciata realizzata dal artista ed architetto veneto Gianni Aricò.
The exhibition Aqvart which opens with its second edition at the Scuola Grande di San Teodoro in Venice, stems from the desire to underline the importance which has had always water from the point of view of urban, economic and city development for the choice of places where build human settlements. and particularly in the culture and history of Venetian handicrafts.
Guaranteed the primary conditions of survival of the villages and favored the naval transport of goods. For this reason the cities rose along the rivers and seas. The changes to the waterways was also offering the possibility to create defensive ditches along the walls and fortifications of the city.
The element of water in the history of Venice has played an even more important role. The lagoon has been not only easy cultivatThe lagoon has never been so easy to cultivate, but it has been very useful for me. The city on the system of poles subdivided by the channels that have replaced the streets has become the pearl of art.The lagoon not only provided an area of florid fishing and easy trade developed thanks to transport by sea, but above all this vast expanse of water has inspired man to develop a particular technique of construction the unique in the world. The city founded on the system of poles divided by the channels that have replaced the streets has become the pearl of art. The beauty of the relationship between Venice and water can be read in its palaces and in their crenellated windows that sparkle with reflections of the waves. Water in Venice with its lights and shadows, reflects and reflected, has influenced all local crafts, such as crystal production, glass crafts on the island of Murano, the love for gilding and the creation of typical jewels,creation of fine textiles and embroidery on the island of Burano. All the arts of Venice were inspired by the beauties of the water. We can see this also today walking through the coves and bridges of the city and looking at the windows of small shops. The charm of the polis on the water and its refined productions has always attracted tourists and artists from all over the world. Peggy Gungenheim opens a foundation dedicated to contemporary art and helps many artists of new avant-gardes. The famouse artist decoTamara de Lempicka returned to Venice several times, seeking spiritual inspiration and meeting her friend Peggy day Venice is a great international contemporary art salon - a showroom in the open air where modern installations enliven eighteenth century palaces and invite tourism to rediscover values and truths that are increasingly sophisticated and new. Venice is the most important art destination - a real Mecca for artists from all over the world who come here to find the interior inspiration enchanted by its beauty. For this reason the exhibition AqvaArt wants to shed light on the importance of the connubation Water - city that has had here the maximum creative development. In the occasion of the exhibition "Tamare della Tamara" - a tribute to the famous art deco artist Tamara de Lempicka as well as the frequent art tourist so in love with Venice. On the occasion of this exhibition the "Tamare della Tamara" contest will be presented - a tribute to the famous art deco artist Tamara de Lempicka as well as the frequent art tourist who often visited Venice of which she was so in love.
The exhibition Aqvart which opens with its first edition at the Scuola Grande di San Teodoro in Venice, stems from the desire to underline the importance which has had always water from the point of view of urban, economic and city development for the choice of places where build human settlements. and particularly in the culture and history of Venetian handicrafts. Guaranteed the primary conditions of survival of the villages and favored the naval transport of goods. For this reason the cities rose along the rivers and seas. The changes to the waterways was also offering the possibility to create defensive ditches along the walls and fortifications of the city.
The element of water in the history of Venice has played an even more important role. The lagoon has been not only easy cultivatThe lagoon has never been so easy to cultivate, but it has been very useful for me. The city on the system of poles subdivided by the channels that have replaced the streets has become the pearl of art.The lagoon not only provided an area of florid fishing and easy trade developed thanks to transport by sea, but above all this vast expanse of water has inspired man to develop a particular technique of construction the unique in the world. The city founded on the system of poles divided by the channels that have replaced the streets has become the pearl of art.The beauty of the relationship between Venice and water can be read in its palaces and in their crenellated windows that sparkle with reflections of the waves. Water in Venice with its lights and shadows, reflects and reflected, has influenced all local crafts, such as crystal production, glass crafts on the island of Murano, the love for gilding and the creation of typical jewels,creation of fine textiles and embroidery on the island of Burano. All the arts of Venice were inspired by the beauties of the water. We can see this also today walking through the coves and bridges of the city and looking at the windows of small shops. The charm of the polis on the water and its refined productions has always attracted tourists and artists from all over the world. Peggy Gungenheim opens a foundation dedicated to contemporary art and helps many artists of new avant-gardes. The famouse artist decoTamara de Lempicka returned to Venice several times, seeking spiritual inspiration and meeting her friend Peggy day Venice is a great international contemporary art salon - a showroom in the open air where modern installations enliven eighteenth century palaces and invite tourism to rediscover values and truths that are increasingly sophisticated and new. Venice is the most important art destination - a real Mecca for artists from all over the world who come here to find the interior inspiration enchanted by its beauty. For this reason the exhibition AqvaArt wants to shed light on the importance of the connubation Water - city that has had here the maximum creative development. In the occasion of the exhibition "Tamare della Tamara" - a tribute to the famous art deco artist Tamara de Lempicka as well as the frequent art tourist so in love with Venice. On the occasion of this exhibition the "Tamare della Tamara" contest will be presented - a tribute to the famous art deco artist Tamara de Lempicka as well as the frequent art tourist who often visited Venice of which she was so in love.
L'elemento dell'acqua nella storia di Venezia ha giocato il ruolo molto importante.
La laguna non forniva soltanto un'area di fiorita pesca di facile trasporto via mare , ma con la sua distesa di acque ha ingegnato uomo a sviluppare una tecnica costruttiva particolare ed unica che ha permesso di creare una città fondata sul sistema dei pali suddivisa dagli canali che hanno sostituito le strade.
La bellezza di rapporto fra Venezia ed acqua si può leggere nei rispecchiarsi dei suoi palazzi e,nelle loro vetrate merlate che scintillano con riflessi delle onde. L'Acqua a Venezia con le sue luci ed ombre , scintillare e rispecchiare ha influenzato fortemente tutto tipico artigianato locale come produzione dei spechi e dei cristalli , artigianato del vetro sorto su isola di Murano. Tutte le arti di Venezia sono state ispirate dalle bellezze dell'acqua lo possiamo vedere passeggiando per le cale e ponti della città e guardando le vetrine delle piccole botteghe. Il fascino della città costruita sull'acqua e le sue raffinate produzioni hanno sempre attirato i turisti e gli artisti. Qui ha scelto di vivere la collezionista Peggy Guggenheim aprendendo una fondazione dedicata all'arte contemporanea ed aiutando tanti artisti di nuove avanguardie . La pittrice art deco Tamara de Lempicka tornava diverse volte a Venezia per incontrare la sua amica Peggy. Oggi Venezia è un grande salotto di arte contemporanea internazionale – una vetrina al cielo aperto dove le installazioni moderne animano palazzi settecenteschi e invitano il turismo a riscoprire i valori e verità sempre piu sofisticate e nuove. La Venezia è una meta d'arte importantissima una mecca per gli artisti da tutto il mondo i quali qui si recano per trovare la ispirazione interiore che riescono a catturare come per incantesimo .La seconda edizione sarà abinata alle storiche regate di vela che si svogeranno nel periodo della mostra,Nonostante difficile perodo in cui versa il mondo a causa di pericolo di pandemia ,la Venezia attira sempre comunque tanti turisti individuali che rimangono catturati dalla sua bellezza. Per questo motivo si è deciso di continuare con la seconda edizione di AqvArt applicando tutte le precauzioni consigliate dandoo omaggio alla città e alla vita che deve continuare.La scelta della sede dei Musici Veneziani Scuola Grande san Teodoro è stata mirata per poter offrire un connubio fra diverse discipline artistiche come pittura , musica ed scultura visto che accanto al palazzo si trova il Teatro Goldoni con la sua facciata realizzata dal artista ed architetto veneto Gianni Aricò.
The exhibition Aqvart which opens with its second edition at the Scuola Grande di San Teodoro in Venice, stems from the desire to underline the importance which has had always water from the point of view of urban, economic and city development for the choice of places where build human settlements. and particularly in the culture and history of Venetian handicrafts.
Guaranteed the primary conditions of survival of the villages and favored the naval transport of goods. For this reason the cities rose along the rivers and seas. The changes to the waterways was also offering the possibility to create defensive ditches along the walls and fortifications of the city.
The element of water in the history of Venice has played an even more important role. The lagoon has been not only easy cultivatThe lagoon has never been so easy to cultivate, but it has been very useful for me. The city on the system of poles subdivided by the channels that have replaced the streets has become the pearl of art.The lagoon not only provided an area of florid fishing and easy trade developed thanks to transport by sea, but above all this vast expanse of water has inspired man to develop a particular technique of construction the unique in the world. The city founded on the system of poles divided by the channels that have replaced the streets has become the pearl of art. The beauty of the relationship between Venice and water can be read in its palaces and in their crenellated windows that sparkle with reflections of the waves. Water in Venice with its lights and shadows, reflects and reflected, has influenced all local crafts, such as crystal production, glass crafts on the island of Murano, the love for gilding and the creation of typical jewels,creation of fine textiles and embroidery on the island of Burano. All the arts of Venice were inspired by the beauties of the water. We can see this also today walking through the coves and bridges of the city and looking at the windows of small shops. The charm of the polis on the water and its refined productions has always attracted tourists and artists from all over the world. Peggy Gungenheim opens a foundation dedicated to contemporary art and helps many artists of new avant-gardes. The famouse artist decoTamara de Lempicka returned to Venice several times, seeking spiritual inspiration and meeting her friend Peggy day Venice is a great international contemporary art salon - a showroom in the open air where modern installations enliven eighteenth century palaces and invite tourism to rediscover values and truths that are increasingly sophisticated and new. Venice is the most important art destination - a real Mecca for artists from all over the world who come here to find the interior inspiration enchanted by its beauty. For this reason the exhibition AqvaArt wants to shed light on the importance of the connubation Water - city that has had here the maximum creative development. In the occasion of the exhibition "Tamare della Tamara" - a tribute to the famous art deco artist Tamara de Lempicka as well as the frequent art tourist so in love with Venice. On the occasion of this exhibition the "Tamare della Tamara" contest will be presented - a tribute to the famous art deco artist Tamara de Lempicka as well as the frequent art tourist who often visited Venice of which she was so in love.
The exhibition Aqvart which opens with its first edition at the Scuola Grande di San Teodoro in Venice, stems from the desire to underline the importance which has had always water from the point of view of urban, economic and city development for the choice of places where build human settlements. and particularly in the culture and history of Venetian handicrafts. Guaranteed the primary conditions of survival of the villages and favored the naval transport of goods. For this reason the cities rose along the rivers and seas. The changes to the waterways was also offering the possibility to create defensive ditches along the walls and fortifications of the city.
The element of water in the history of Venice has played an even more important role. The lagoon has been not only easy cultivatThe lagoon has never been so easy to cultivate, but it has been very useful for me. The city on the system of poles subdivided by the channels that have replaced the streets has become the pearl of art.The lagoon not only provided an area of florid fishing and easy trade developed thanks to transport by sea, but above all this vast expanse of water has inspired man to develop a particular technique of construction the unique in the world. The city founded on the system of poles divided by the channels that have replaced the streets has become the pearl of art.The beauty of the relationship between Venice and water can be read in its palaces and in their crenellated windows that sparkle with reflections of the waves. Water in Venice with its lights and shadows, reflects and reflected, has influenced all local crafts, such as crystal production, glass crafts on the island of Murano, the love for gilding and the creation of typical jewels,creation of fine textiles and embroidery on the island of Burano. All the arts of Venice were inspired by the beauties of the water. We can see this also today walking through the coves and bridges of the city and looking at the windows of small shops. The charm of the polis on the water and its refined productions has always attracted tourists and artists from all over the world. Peggy Gungenheim opens a foundation dedicated to contemporary art and helps many artists of new avant-gardes. The famouse artist decoTamara de Lempicka returned to Venice several times, seeking spiritual inspiration and meeting her friend Peggy day Venice is a great international contemporary art salon - a showroom in the open air where modern installations enliven eighteenth century palaces and invite tourism to rediscover values and truths that are increasingly sophisticated and new. Venice is the most important art destination - a real Mecca for artists from all over the world who come here to find the interior inspiration enchanted by its beauty. For this reason the exhibition AqvaArt wants to shed light on the importance of the connubation Water - city that has had here the maximum creative development. In the occasion of the exhibition "Tamare della Tamara" - a tribute to the famous art deco artist Tamara de Lempicka as well as the frequent art tourist so in love with Venice. On the occasion of this exhibition the "Tamare della Tamara" contest will be presented - a tribute to the famous art deco artist Tamara de Lempicka as well as the frequent art tourist who often visited Venice of which she was so in love.
Per informazioni: